Sunday, September 9, 2012

Walk-walk (Jalan-jalan)

Beloved grandparents, I was lucky enough to have the privilege to drive them back to Lambak this evening after their stay at Telisai (where I lived) the night before.Why am i considered lucky? simply because nowadays it's quite difficult for me to meet them, especially having to go to Lambak for a visit. Will definitely visit them sometime next week I hope so! Anyway I'm so glad to be able to meet them today!

After that, my family and I went for dinner at Giant, Rimba. The food does not really fit my taste preferences. But, being a 'food lover', I just had to finish the plate. Alhamdulillah for the rezeki. Tehee~

With our stomachs filled to its fullest ,it's grocery shopping time!

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