Friday, September 14, 2012

Use Your Head (1)

How To Unleash The Power Of Your Mind.


One tends to recall things more at the beginning of a learning period, as well as the end. We tend to recall considerably less in the middle period of learning. Therefore, taking breaks between studying is important.

Having to rest between 20-40 minutes of studying is essential so that recall can be kept high and furthermore to let what we have learned in the last 20-40 minutes to 'sink in' to our brains before starting a new learning period 5-10 minutes later.


To 'review' is to look back at what we had studied earlier before. One needs to make these reviews to maintain the knowledge gained for a period of time, up until it is stored in our long-term memory. Basically, the new things we learned is stored in our short-term memory. So how are we going to store them to our long-term memory? Simple, REVIEW.

 For example, reviewing what we had studied 10 minutes after an hour of learning will keep the level of recall high for approximately one day, in which the next review should take place, then recall can be retained for a week, and so on.  The graph below explains why.

More To Come InsyaAllah.

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