Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Son of an artist

Who's the son of an artist? Me of course! My dad is an artist. The term 'artist' here however does not relate to the Hollywood stuffs like singing, acting, etc. I am talking about drawings & designing stuffs, that kind of artist. Although it would be awesome if my dad is actually an internationally knowned actor/singer. But then he'll be busy all the time.. NOOOOO..


Annually, the Brunei Shell Petroleum would organize dinner feasts, together with stage performances as the icing of the cake. And behind these huge, yearly dinner events, a particular person had always been relied upon to put a touch of beauty for the proposed venue for the event: My Dad, the trustworthy creative mastermind. 

And he's doing this for free. Of course, the costs for all these preparations had been subsidized by the company. He does this kind of thing year after year, receiving praises and compliments as feed backs from those at the company for a job well done (at least that was what my dad said every time).

If there's one word to describe my dad with his creative designs, it would be 'passion'.

Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.” 
– Denis Diderot,

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