Sunday, January 30, 2011


So~ It is currently 11.47 p.m here in Liverpool~

Had a fine dinner just now after a tiring football session today (I did score one) *bangga lol*

Ordered my dinner online at a restaurant called 'World On a Plate' (Halal),Had Lamb ribs and burger which for me, was just okay~

Lamb Ribs + Burger + Coke = +2 kg! (cemana kan diet ni = =')

Oh! And tomorrow (monday) will be the start of a new semester! (yaay?)

so~ That is all.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cheers ^^

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Exam is over! (For now)

Phew! 4 exam papers done! Hope everything will go alright amin =)

Monday will be the start of a new semester, fresh start! Hopefully Im going to be more organised this time hoho.

3 days break before a fresh new beginning~ so~ Im just gonna chill, and preparing for the new semester?? (perhaps)


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Gosh i miss these two!

Some GIS Thingy

Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are a type of software package that allows a wide variety of different data types that contain spatial information to be displayed, most usually as part of a map. Your experience of GIS packages is likely to focus on the production of presentation quality maps and plans that incorporate an underlying map layer (like Ordnance Survey map data) with archaeological data over the top (like a series of findspots or sites, represented by dots). GIS software allows you to combine these different types of data and produce maps with scales, north-points and descriptive legends/text.

GIS software is also capable of undertaking advanced statistical analysis of spatial data. For example, one could plot the locations of settlement sites and water courses, in order to analyse whether the proximity of water had any influence over site location.


So, Liverpool 1 - 0 Fulham =D
